Organizations and Institutions from Around the World Honored for their Innovative Application of Technology to Achieve Learning Impact
Lake Mary, Florida – 11 May 2015– IMS Global Learning Consortium (IMS Global/IMS), the world leader in EdTech interoperability and impact is pleased to announce the winners of our 9th annual worldwide Learning Impact Awards competition. This year, eight winners were selected during the final round of competition, out of 16 innovative technology finalists submitted by K-20 institutions and education technology organizations.
The Learning Impact Awards program recognizes the use of technology in context at an educational institution and the results achieved. Winners are selected by a panel of expert evaluators using a series of rubrics to evaluate eight dimensions for improving teaching and learning impact, including improving access, affordability, and quality of learning. The awards were presented during the Learning Impact Leadership Institute which took place May 4-7, 2015 in Atlanta, Georgia. Winners recognized for their outstanding achievement were:
Platinum Medals:
- TAO - Open Source, QTI-Compliant Assessment Platform, OAT - TAO is an Open Source assessment platform that enables test content to be entirely portable, which is crucial as users embrace technology-centric education models.
- Language Learning Space, Education Services Australia - Education Services Australia have customized their Language Learning Space to provide students an exciting world of challenges in an immersive “graphic novel” environment to practice Indonesian and Chinese language skills in context.
Gold Medals:
- Escambia County School District and Pearson – Escambia County School District selected Pearson’s Schoolnet system in spring 2012 to replace inefficient assessment systems and provide synchronized user access, content, and data across the District to support personalized learning.
- Present@ at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya - The Present@ platform at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya makes possible the presentation and debate of final degree projects in a virtual learning environment.
Silver Medals:
- Accessible Assessment Items for ELPA21 Consortium – Educational Testing Services (ETS) developed new content authoring tools within an existing item bank, including automated content generation, to develop accessible content structured according to the APIP 1.0 standard within assessment items for the new English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century (ELPA21).
- Itslearning "HUB" at Houston Independent School District - Houston ISD implemented a digital teaching and learning platform, the “HUB”, to enable the delivery of digital content aligned to standards and assessment of student learning.
Bronze Medals:
- Safari Montage and Orange County Public Schools (OCPS) - As an IMS LTI certified platform, the SAFARI Montage Digital Learning Platform (DCP) allows OCPS teachers to perform a federated search of a wide array of learning materials to support personalized instruction.
- Makers Empire - Bringing 3D Printing to Primary Schools around the World - The Makers Empire Learning Program provides teachers everything needed to start 3D printing with students as young as age 5.
Medal winners receive a Learning Impact Digital Badge with supporting evidence of achievement from IMS Global and will be recognized in the 2015 Learning Impact Research Report that will be published in late September.
The following technology projects received Honorable Mention certificates as finalists in this year’s Learning Impact Awards competition:
- ReadSpeaker’s Text to Speech and the Virtual High School -
- University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee’s U-Pace Program: Greater Academic Success for All -
- SMART amp at Marietta City Schools is the ‘Glue’ that Connects Classroom Devices -
- VeriCite Helps LAMP Consortium Identify Plagiarized Text -
- DeVry’s Learning Object Infrastructure with EQUELLA, CourseWriter, and Sidebar -
- The University of Michigan and Qualtrics LTI Integration Support Rich Academic Assessment -
- The New Jersey Center for Teaching and Learning Progressive Mathematics Initiative® and Progressive Science Initiative® -
- Texas State Technical College Partners with Hawkes Learning for Co-requisite Success -,AAAAE2sH_-k~,vce9mL8StXpfr6m6HDn5cLekxP_ErjRA&bctid=4119858042001
About IMS Global Learning Consortium (IMS Global)
IMS Global is a nonprofit organization that advances technology that can affordably scale and improve educational participation and attainment. IMS members are leading suppliers, institutions and government organizations that are enabling the future of education by collaborating on interoperability and adoption initiatives. IMS sponsors the Learning Impact Leadership Institute, a global program focused on recognizing the impact of innovative technology on educational access, affordability, and quality while developing the people and ideas that are going to help shape the future of educational technology.